Az oldal 2020-tól nem frissül. Friss információkért látogasson el az alábbi oldalra: vol. 3 – no. 2. (1998) p.303-305. Vindornya láp növényzete
Kovács J. Attila Cikk letöltése: [pdf] (188 Kb) Kivonat: The work dealing with the recent vegetation of Transdanubian region (fen, marsh) realizing a detailed map (1:10 000) of the central basin of Vindornya (NW of the Lake Balaton). The fen and marsh vegetation present a positive trend of natural succession. The most important plant communities are: Phragmitetum communis, Cladietum marisci, Succiso-Molinietum, Calamagrosti-Salicetum cinereae nad several weed communities (with Urtica dioica and Solidago gigantea) on the border part of the territories. |