Botanikai-Természetvédelmi Folyóirat

Journal of Pannonian Botany

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Kitaibelia vol. 3 – no. 1. (1998) p.37-40.

A Cirsio pannonici-Quercetum Less leírásának érvényessé tétele
Less Nándor
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Vegetation mapping in SE-Bükk Mts. revealed an oakwood community occurring exclusively on dolomite bedrock and possessing a distinct species composition and physiognomy. Dolomite as bedrock plays subordinated role in building up of the range. One of its regional occurrances is forming narrow east-west oriented strips at an 5x3 km large area at the inner part of the SE-Bükk. The total extension of the new community is about 0.42 km2.

Cirsio pannonici-Quercetum LESS 1998 ass. nova hoc loco was recorded on localities called őr-hegy, Miklós-Luga, Galambic, Móhalma and Kerékkötő-hegy. It is typical of gentle slopes with not extremely shallow soils. Its sparse, glade-like physiognomy (canopy cover: 60-75%) and dense (95-100%) Brachypodium pinnatum dominated grass-layer differs clearly both from Corno-Quercetum and Quercetum pubescenti-petraeae which occur at the same altitude on surrounding limestone areas. Its shrub layer is poorly developed (2-5%) and height of the canopy is 10-20 m.

Sesleria hungarica is only present at most sporadically and other missing species also distinguish the community from dolomite-dwelling forests (Seslerio-Quercetum) of the SW-Bükk. Phytosociologically Cirsio-Quercetum belongs to Aceri-Quercion alliance. The most constant characteristic species is Cirsium pannonicum while Anacamptis pyramidalis has the highest fidelity. Further characteristic species are Campanula glomerata, Cypripedium calceolus, Epipactis atrorubens, Gymnadaenia conopsea, Hypochoeris maculata, Orchis mascula ssp. signifera, Orchis militaris and Prunella grandiflora. In addition to Brachypodium dominant and constant elements of the grass-layer are species which occur generally in oakwoods such as Geranium sanguineum, Melittis grandiflora, Peucedanum oreoselinum, Silene vulgaris, Teucrium chamaedrys and Vincetoxicum hirundinaria.

Significant coenological groups are Quercetea (40.2%), Querco-Fagetea (29.8%) and Festuco-Brometea (14.7%). The main floristical categories are Eurasian (33.9%), Central European (19.9%), European (14.4%). Rate of submediterranean species is as high as 10.1%, Pontic and other continental species represent 2.1%.