Botanikai-Természetvédelmi Folyóirat

Journal of Pannonian Botany

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Kitaibelia vol. 9 – no. 1. (2004) p.31-56.

"Dunántúli" közép-dunai flóraválasztós fajok a Matricum flórájában
Sramkó Gábor
Cikk letöltése: [pdf] (1072 Kb)


The 'Mid Danube Flora Split' concept (Zólyomi 1942) is a fundamental theory in Hungarian phytogeography. It describes floristic difference between the North-Eastern and South-Western sides of the Hungarian Middle Range, separated by the Danube. Several plant species, known as restricted to the SW side ('Dunántúli-Középhegység'), were described as 'transdanubian' ones. Some of these were, however, recently reported from western part of the NE side ('Északi-Középhegység').

This paper gives an analysis for a part of these species and, based on their probable historical chorology, distinguishes two groups. The first group involves species characterized with the so called 'Illyrian-Dacian pincer migration' (Varga 1964) whereas the second group consists mainly of Submediterranean floristic elements. Species of the first group can be considered as relics of a former postglacial era with three possible migration routes: 1) via Illyrian-Noric territories, 2) via Dacian territories and 3) via the 'Dunántúli-Középhegység'. Members of the second, ’Submediterranean group’ could have migrated through the 'Dunántúli-Középhegység'. Recent occurrence of both groups can be explained by climatic factors. Many species belonging to the first group are Atlantic floristic elements favoured by a relatively long lasting snow cover. In contrast, species of the second group benefit from the submediterranean climatic influence extending to the western part of Mátra Mts.

Specific distribution patterns in the Carpathian Basin show a remarkable coincidence within both groups (see maps for selected species). It is therefore necessary to take the whole Carpathian Basin into account when interpreting distribution patterns. Considering the historical background of recent distribution patterns is also inevitable. Analysis of recent patterns may help to complete assumptions on history of certain species. Possible postglacial migration routes of the 'Illyrian-Dacian pincer' and  'Submediterranean' species groups in the Carpathian Basin are shown in Fig. 17 and 18, respectively.