Botanikai-Természetvédelmi Folyóirat

Journal of Pannonian Botany

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Kitaibelia vol. 2 – no. 2. (1997) p.148-159.

A Nyírség mohaflórája I.
Jakab Gusztáv
Cikk letöltése: [pdf] (7041 Kb)


The author presents the history of the bryological research in the Nyírség area, then shows the datas of the literature and his collection. Some interesting species: Cephaloziella subdentata, C. rubella, C. divaricata, Sphagnum fimbriatum, Sphagnum squarrosum, Dicranum montanum, D. bonjeanii, D. viride, Leucobryum glaucum, Enthostodon hungaricus, Tetraphis pellucida, Bryum rubens, Isothecium myurum, Rhynchostegium riparioides, Plagiothecium undulatum, P. curvifolium, P. ruthei, P. cavifolium, P. laetum, Ptilium crista-castrensis. The next part of the publication will show the description of character of the investigation area.