Botanikai-Természetvédelmi Folyóirat

Journal of Pannonian Botany

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Kitaibelia vol. 3 – no. 2. (1998) p.321-328.

Flórakutatás a Monor-Irsai-dombság löszvidékén
Schmotzer András – Vidra Tamás
Cikk letöltése: [pdf] (183 Kb)


The results of the floristic investigation of the loessy territory of Monor-Irsa-Hills (Central-Hungary, Pest County) are presented. 95 vascular taxa were recorded (31 of them are protected). The species were listed in the order of coenotaxonomical categories: (1.) Agropyro-Kochion: semidesert elements on loess walls; (2.) Festucion rupicolae: characteristic elements of the loess grasslands; (3a.) Festucetalia valesiacae: xerothermic grassland elements in wider distribution; (3b.) Festucion rupicolae & Festucetalia elements descended from the North Hungarian Central Range; (4.) Cynodonti-Festucion: mainly weedy element originated from Festucion rupicolae communities; (5.) Aceri-Quercion: remnants of the loess forest; (6.) Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae: xerothermic forest elements; (7.) Querco-Fagetea: mesophilous forest elements; and (8.) Other species. Besides the floristic data we compiled the geographical features and the history of the floristic investigations of the studied area.