Botanikai-Természetvédelmi Folyóirat

Journal of Pannonian Botany

Az oldal 2020-tól nem frissül. Friss információkért látogasson el az alábbi oldalra:

Kitaibelia vol. 18 – no. 1-2. (2013) p.142-151.

A hegyi zsellérke (Thesium bavarum Schrank) előfordulása Magyarországon
Király Gergely – Király Angéla
Cikk letöltése: [pdf] (438 Kb)


In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Thesium bavarum, which has a montane distribution in Central Europe and the Balkans, was reported from several localities in the Hungarian foothills of the Alps (Kőszeg and Sopron Mts) and (erroneously) in the Middle and Northern Hungarian Mountain Ranges. The main habitats of the species were sweet chestnut forests, most of which were destroyed by succession and anthropogenic impacts in recent decades. The most recent herbarium collection of the species is from the Sopron Mts in 1950 and subsequently the species has been considered extinct in Hungary. In 2005, the authors found a new small population in the Kőszeg Mts in a unique, species-rich sweet chestnut wood. Thesium bavarum is now considered to be critically endangered in Hungary according to the IUCN criteria.